20. 7. 2013

Malifaux Summer Derby aneb Good bye V1

Termín na základě ankety na hofylandu vyplynul na prázdninovou sobotu 27.7.2013
Jak je klasickým jevem začali jednotlivý hráči, s blížícím se termínem, odpadat. Prázdniny, dovolená, atd. Je to pochopitelné, a tak nás ve hře zůstalo 9 "jistých".
Za Hradecký klub - Wiedzmin, Sacharid, Joker, Iceman a Bahara, který zde hostuje.
Klub, který figuruje pod názvem Okolí a Praha - Hydra, Moorhed, Jaramir a moje maličkost.Ve hře je ještě Psychor.
Plzeň dle posledních zpráv nedorazí vůbec.
V tomto složení mě napadlo pojmenovat tuto akci jako DERBY. Díky tomu, že počet hráčů ( s Psychorem) v obou týmech je stejný, nehrozí tu nepříjemnost typu..."Jedu z Hradce, abych si zahrál s hradečákem."

Derby má výhodu, že není zařazeno do série Master of Malifaux a tak si můžeme dovolit více volnosti.  A teď něco k propozicím.

Hrajeme dle M1E, tedy v2 karty.
Formát je 35 soul stones.
Pro celé Derby si volíte JEDNOHO Mastera a s ním odehrajete všechny hry, počítám, že budou 3.
Co se týče bodového hodnocení her, zjednodušíme to a jediným ukazatelem bude skóre. Tým s nejvíce nahranými a nejméně ztracenými body se stane vítězem.
Před každým kolem si určení kapitáni hodí mincí. Vítěz po poradě se svým týmem oznámí první dvojici pro aktuální herní kolo. druhý kapitán jej následuje. A takto se střídají dokud každý hráč nemá přiřazeného soupeře.
Je třeba dbát na to, že se konkrétní dvojice nesmí již do konce Derby potkat.

Ideální je dorazit již v pátek večer, zajdeme na pivo...,  pustíme nějaký ten film, zahrajeme. Začátek bych si přál v 9 hodin, s tím, že první kolo bude rozehráno do 9:30.
Do samotného derby zbývá něco přes týden, takže jsem otevřen vašim nápadům a připomínkám.


Strategie jsou dle pravidel Gaining Grounds 2013. Z těchto pravidel je vybráno to co nás zajímá.
Výběr strategie:
- Náhodně se losuje z 5ti předvybraných (Master of Hill byla vypuštěna z důvodu, že není dost terénů)
- Každý hráč si nalosuje náhodnou strategii před bitvou. Pokud ji již hrál, flipuje tak dlouho dokud mu nepadne jiná.
- Pokud mají hráči stejnou strategii hraje se sdílená:

Both Jokers – select
1 Contain Power
2-4  - Treasure Hunt 
5-7   - Land Grab
8-10  - Beat Down
11- 13- Line in the Sand 

Schémata jsou standardní jako na každém turnaji s jedním rozdílem – každ schéma lze hrát na turnaji jen jednou!

Popis Strategií:

Contain Power
What is the best way to prevent your rival from becoming more powerful? Kill them.
If all of your opponent’s leaders are no longer in the game at the end of the Encounter, you score 2 VP.
If all of your opponent’s leaders are no longer in the game at the end of the Encounter and were either killed or sacrificed by your leaders, you score 4 VP.

Shared Contain Power
Both Masters have watched their opponent gain too much influence and too strong a foothold in Malifaux. It’s time to settle this once and for all.
A player scores 2 VP if all of his or her opponent’s leaders are no longer in the game at the end of the Encounter.
That player scores +2 VP if his or her leaders killed or sacrificed all of the opponent’s leaders.

Treasure Hunt 
You have discovered the location of a valuable artifact and must take possession of it.
Place a 30mm Treasure Counter in the center of the table.
Beginning on Turn 2, your non-insignificant models in base contact with the Treasure Counter may perform a (1) Interact Action to pick it up if it they are not engaged by an enemy model. A model carrying the Counter can drop or pass it to another model in base contact as a (1) Interact Action. Models controlled by your opponent can take this Action once one of your models has picked up the Counter at least once during the Encounter. A model carrying the Treasure Counter changing position on the table by an effect other than the Walk Action or leaving play drops the Treasure Counter in base contact with itself before it changes position. While carrying the Counter, a model reduces its Wk to 4, and cannot have its Wk increased by any means. Spirits lose the ability to move through other models and the ability to ignore terrain penalties while carrying the Treasure Counter. Models lose Flight or Float while carrying the Treasure Counter.
At the end of each Turn after the first, if the Treasure Counter is carried by one of your models and that model is not engaged with an enemy model, you score 1 VP up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Shared Treasure Hunt 
Both you and your opponent have uncovered the location of an important Malifaux artifact, and must race to be the first to claim it.
Place one 30mm Treasure Counter in the center of the table after Crews have deployed, but  before the Encounter begins.
Beginning on Turn 2, a non-Insignificant model in base contact with the Treasure Counter may perform a (2) Interact Action to pick up the Treasure Counter if it is not engaged by an enemy model. A model carrying the Counter can drop or pass it to another model in base contact as a (1) Interact Action. A model carrying the Treasure Counter changing position on the table by an effect other than the Walk Action or leaving play drops the Treasure Counter in base contact with itself before changing position. While carrying the Counter, a model reduces its Wk to 4 and cannot have its Wk increased by any means. Spirits lose the ability to move through other models and the ability to ignore terrain penalties while carrying the Treasure Counter. Models lose Flight or Float while carrying the Treasure Counter.
At the end of each Turn after the first, if the Treasure Counter is carried by a player’s model and that model is not engaged with an enemy model, that player scores 1 VP up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Land Grab
Time to take some of theirs and make it yours!
Divide the table into equal quarters.
Insignificant models do not count toward the Victory condition. You control a table quarter when the majority of models completely within that quarter are yours.
At the end of each Turn after the first, you score 1 VP if you control more table quarters than your opponent up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Shared Land Grab
This place isn’t big enough for the both of us.
Divide the table into equal quarters.
Insignificant models do not count toward the Victory condition. A player controls a table quarter when the majority of models completely within that quarter are theirs.
At the end of each Turn after the first, a player scores 1 VP if he or she controls more table quarters than his or her opponent, up to a maximum of 4 VP.

They’ve gone too far. Time to wipe them out.
At the end of each Turn after the first, if your opponent has no models in the game, you score 1 VP. Otherwise if your Crew killed or sacrificed more enemy models than the enemy Crew killed or sacrificed of yours, you score 1 VP. You may score a maximum of 4 VP for this Strategy.

Shared Beatdown 
Only one of us walks away from this...
At the end of each Turn after the first, if a player has no models in the game, his or her opponent scores 1 VP. Otherwise the Crew that killed or sacrificed the most enemy models scores 1 VP. A player may score up to a maximum of 4 VP for this Strategy.

A Line in the Sand 
You’re tired of your opponent invading your turf, so you’re going to draw a line in the sand….. with dynamite.
Place five 30mm Dynamite Markers along the centerline of the table at least 6” apart.
The Dynamite Markers begin the Encounter disarmed. Your models may perform a (1) Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to arm it if they are not engaged by an enemy model. Mark which Dynamite Markers your Crew has armed. An enemy model may perform a (1) Interact Action while in base contact with an armed Dynamite Marker to disarm it. Insignificant models or models engaged with an enemy model cannot perform the arm or disarm Interact Actions.
At the end of each Turn after the first you score 1 VP if you have three or more Dynamite  Markers armed, up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Shared A Line in the Sand 
You’re tired of your opponent invading your turf, so you’re going to draw a line in the sand….. with dynamite.
Place five 30mm Dynamite Markers along the centerline of the table at least 6” apart.
The Dynamite Markers begin the Encounter disarmed. A model may perform a (1) Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to arm it if they are not engaged by an enemy model. Each player should mark which Dynamite Markers his or her Crew has armed. A model may perform a (1) Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to disarm it. Insignificant models or models engaged with an enemy model cannot perform the arm or disarm Interact Actions.
At the end of each Turn after the first a player scores 1 VP if he or she has more Dynamite Markers armed by his or her Crew than his or her opponent does, up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Malifaux zdar !! 

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